Sunday, November 11, 2007

Who's team is the best...LHS, LHS!

So, when you are a kid you can't wait to leave this god forsaken town...only to find out that it's where you belong. I can't imagine living anywhere else, raising my kids anywhere else or having them go to any school but here and after yesterday it just confirms it even more. Our Varsity football team played an undefeated team yesterday in a playoff game and I swear the whole entire town was there supporting our boys. I don't have kids in High School yet and don't even really know any of the players but when you bleed orange and black you go to every home game and some away and you support them, you support the program, you rally, you get excited and you sometimes get dissapointed but my heart will always have a permanant blackhawk imprinted on it. We did win against this undefeated team and are now on our way to the state semi-finals and yes, you'll find a convoy of cars with windows painted, flag flying, and horns blowing all the way down to Hillsdale next week to watch my boys play. I'm so proud of them and their determination, hard work and dedication. High school football has always been my favorite because the boys play because they truly LOVE the game. I'm so excited and no matter how far they go in these playoff games, I'll be there cheering them on. Once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader!