Monday, December 3, 2007


December 3rd already? Only one more paycheck until Christmas? Only two more until 2008? Where does the time go? Where does the money go?

I am going to try to make a new years resolution of saving some money and not blowing all of it all the time. Out of my paycheck a certain amount goes towards bills and the rest is mine…now at the end of my two weeks I am flat broke and may only have $5.00 to my name. I waste it on stupid stuff and before you know it, it’s all gone and you wonder what you did with it because you have nothing to show for it. Eating out lunch to much, running to Beaners to get a coffee fix, wasting it on this and that. Don’t get me wrong we have money but this is MY money and I don’t dip into the other “bill” money because Dan would kill me, I just want to save some for something…not sure what.

Now that I read this whole blog it’s just rambling…hence the title of my site.