Monday, November 26, 2007

Calgon take me away

Oh my, if you read my friend Becky's blog she's sure a glutton for punishment...staying up all those long hours having fun, shopping, playing, etc. I on the other hand this past Thanksgiving weekend was down for the count. On Wednesday I felt this twinge in my throat and a slight headache buy 11:30 pm on Wednesday, I was done for. I felt like I had been hit by a bus!! On Thursday, I mustered up all the strenghth in my body to make my passing dish for Dan's family's Thanksgiving and went to bed and told him to take the kids and go without me. So, I missed Thanksgiving. I slept ALL day...blew my nose, coughed, coughed and coughed some more. On Friday I ALWAYS go shopping with my dad so I got up got ready against my better judgement went shopping was only gone 2 hours and I was DONE. Came back home and took a 6 hour nap...hey, and guess what I did on Saturday and Sunday? Yep, you guessed it...slept some more. I felt like I was going to die. Today I did manage to go to work, went on a huge coughing attack, my head is clearer, and I feel a "wee" bit better but it's all of 8:15 and I'm checking out for the night...I'm sleepy. I know this whole blog is rambles but that's what nightquil does to you but I refuse to cough all night.

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

I'm sorry you had such a crummy Thanksgiving. Hopefully your body was able to rest enough to begin mending and feeling better. I hope your sleeping peacefully now!