Sunday, September 9, 2007


Ok, so I read something today that rubbed me the wrong way. Why are people so over sensitive or offended by the slightest little things? Maybe I am just too laid back when it comes to things such as humor, others opinions, words, stuff people write, etc.'
This lady went off in the comment section of this work related paper I read, about how it offends her when people use certain words or phrases, like "that sucks", "shit happens", "looks like she came from the trailer park". Ok, you get the idea. I don't even know how to put it into words how ridiculous this lady was. I lived in a trailer park and I'm not offended by that saying. These things are just words and expressions of others it doesn't mean she has to believe them or say them…ignore it lady. Get over yourself and get a life.

I'm not offended by dirty jokes, rotten humor, I may get a little ticked and punch you out if you grab me or something but stuff that comes out of peoples mouths and that is written is no big deal.

Anyway I know this just rambles but I was on a rant.

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